Trading Post
“Every man lives by exchanging.”
― Adam Smith
What's the internet if not a way to manifest things we can use? Here's our version of the classifieds - check below to see what we need and what we have to offer. Email us to get in touch or use the contact form below!
― Adam Smith
What's the internet if not a way to manifest things we can use? Here's our version of the classifieds - check below to see what we need and what we have to offer. Email us to get in touch or use the contact form below!
Offer: Paid Piece Work
We will need strawberry and raspberry pickers for the 2017 berry season, which is roughly mid-June to mid-July. Picking would entail early mornings, three to four mornings per week (5:30 or 6 AM to 10 or 11 AM). If interested please contact Michelle at [email protected] for details!
Free Seeds, of all sortsWe have lots of different kinds of seeds that we aren't going to use in our garden for various reasons (too old to depend on for marketing, unpopular variety, etc.) if anybody wants them to try in their home garden. Contact us!
Wanted: Old Freezers (we're good for now, thanks!)
We still need more freezers for storing seeds in! Save your old deep freeze from the dump! It need not work for us to utilize it for storage. We can pick up.
Our 2017 CSA Box is sold out!
Thanks for filling up our CSA Food Box program in record time this year, slated to run from June 13 to September 19! View the CSA page for more info and contact us!