Our Vision Statement With compassion and respect for diversity, we bring people and learning together with the land to grow good, healthy food for our families and our community.
In looking more closely at the components that form the whole of our vision statement, we are responsible for upholding these values:
Compassion - communicating with empathy, non-judgment, deep/active listening and an open heart.
Diversity - respecting all living things, objects and tools, mixed farming, strengths/needs/abilities, orientation, race, creed, gender identity, and a range of personalities and backgrounds/experiences.
Respect - to be mindful...
Learning - sharing everyday experiential learning and facilitating learning more formally.
Living authentically - with deep honesty, without drama, striving for self-alignment (mind, body, heart, spirit), groundedness, mental health/self-awareness, and a personal responsibility for well-being.
Healthy - means growing food organically, in a regenerative way (for body, soil, energy-giving, leaving it better for the next beings), with a diversity of crops -- being attuned to the seasons and climatic boundaries. It means feeling good and happy, both the humans and the animals.
Families - including ourselves (co-op members) and our families, both biological and chosen.
Community - amongst ourselves (co-op members), close friends and neighbours, customers new and old, past farm residents, all those who interact with us, surprising interconnected networks of relationships, and our ancestors.